Post-doc IoT, technologies du big data et de l'analyse prédictive. H/F

Université Internationale de Rabat

Post-doc IoT, technologies du big data et de l'analyse prédictive. H/F
L'Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR) est devenue dès ses premières années d'existence un modèle d'établissement innovant bénéficiant d'une attractivité grandissante et d'une image de professionnalisme et de rigueur reconnue au niveau national et international.
Le collège Ingénierie et Architecture regroupe 3 écoles d'ingénieurs, 1 école d'architecture, 2 laboratoires de recherche et 1 tech-center.
Dans le cadre du projet MG-FARM, le Laboratoire d'énergie renouvelable et de matériaux avancés (LERMA) recrute en CDD de 6 mois renouvelable, un ingénieur de recherche dans le domaine de l'IoT, des technologies du big data et de l'analyse prédictive.
The LERMA Lab of the College of Engineering & Architecture offers, under an ongoing project, a postdoctoral research position in the area of IoT, Big Data technologies and predictive analytics. The general objective is to develop and an integrated IT/energy system into the irrigation system to power all farm's devices and equipment. The proposed system is mainly composed of energy production and storage systems, which will electrify both the water pumps and the irrigation management system. A test-site will be set-up using water pumps powered by renewable energy systems and several sensors for extracting different factors, such as energy production and consumption, in order to be able to optimize pumping/irrigation schedules. Furthermore, a geographical water map combined by the prediction of renewable energy production will be used to develop better water pumping/irrigation schedules.
The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in computer science or other closely related areas with a strong research background in IoT, AI, embedded systems, and Big Data technologies. The candidate should have:
a proven record in performing high quality research in fields related to the abovementioned topics with publications in major journals and conferences,
excellent written and oral communication skills in English,
strong desire to collaborate with other researchers from the Lab's research teams and to mentor graduate and undergraduate students,
experiences in related domains, such energy management, RES integration and storage systems, are highly appreciated.
Compétences linguistiques
Maitrise du français et de l'anglais à l'oral comme à l'écrit.


  • Titre d'emploi: Post-doc IoT, technologies du big data et de l'analyse prédictive. H/F
  • Date de publication : 2023-04-05 Peut être expiré
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