Capital Market Surveillance Officer-(H/F)

societe generale

Capital Market Surveillance Officer-(H/F)
Casablanca, Maroc
Banque de financement et d'investissement
As team member of the new EMEA CMS hub in Casablanca, your responsibilities will be:
• Undertake :
- Communication Surveillance using the firm’s oral and written communication monitoring tools as directed by management
- Trade Surveillance using the firm’s monitoring tools as directed by management.
• Support the collation and development of Management Information.
• Support the implementation and enhancement of surveillance approaches and /or strategic solutions to meet review requirements.
• Maintain and monitor a referential of remedial actions/recommendations arising from:
- Communication monitoring
- Trade monitoring and ensure timely satisfactory resolution of issues identified.
• Liaison with other EMEA CMS surveillance team members
• Liaison with Advisory Compliance officers and other key stakeholders and synergies regarding key topics
• Assisting in regulatory and internal investigations as appropriate.
• Maintain up to date policies and procedures supporting the performance of the local and EMEA CMS teams
• Proactive and timely escalation of issues to management
• Maintaining awareness of key EU / FCA regulatory rules and updates and where applicable transposing them into the: communication surveillance program OR trade surveillance program
Technical experience:
0-5 years relevant experience or qualifications
• Fluent in French and English
• A generalist understanding of how private and public sides of the Financial Industry operate would be advantageous
• Highly analytical approach regarding performed surveillance, supported by accurate record keeping and ability to manage and prioritize multiple review requirements.
• Respect for highly sensitive information
• Good report writing, verbal and presentation skills
Other skills:
A keenness to work in a regulatory risk management department.
A keen interest and good understanding of existing and new technology
A quick learner – keen to understand regulation, markets and internal/external technology solutions
A team player.
Someone with an innovative mindset – who can think ‘outside of the box’ but collectively, understands standard BAU.
Société Générale Africa Technologies and Services (SG ATS) is a subsidiary of Société Générale Group that was created in 2014 with a purpose of providing flexible and efficient solutions to the bank's trading rooms in Europe (mainly in Paris and London). The overarching aim is to help them grow and meet the increasingly stringent requirements imposed by the various international banking legislations.
Building on its success thus far, SG ATS aims to become a multi-service center that provides high value-added services to the Group's different business lines (mainly in Europe, but also in the United States and Asia). These concern Markets activities, but also Risk, Finance, and Compliance among other central functions.
Awarded "Best Place to Work in Morocco - 2023", SG ATS is a young dynamic structure that places human capital at the center of its development and surrounds itself with talented people who actively participate in the success of the company while evolving in an international environment that favors the development of distinctive skills.
Capital Markets Surveillance ("CMS") is a global function within the global Compliance Department (CPLE) with a mission to improve and maintain a strong compliance framework in partnership with all stakeholders, and with a view to execute the company's strategy in line with its risk appetite, regulatory expectations, and industry best practices.
CMS has a specific mandate relating to monitoring and surveillance of market activities.
« Les informations recueillies sur ce site font l’objet d’un traitement destiné à répondre aux besoins de recrutement de la société SG ATS. Ces données sont traitées par les services internes de la société. Conformément à la loi n° 09-08 promulguée par le Dahir 1-09-15 du 18 février 2009, relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l’égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent, que vous pouvez exercer en vous adressant à .Vous pouvez également, pour des motifs légitimes, vous opposer à ce que les données qui vous concernent fassent l’objet d’un traitement. Ces données peuvent faire l’objet d’un transfert à l’étranger. Ces traitements ont été notifiés et autorisés par la CNDP sous les numéros A-RH-354/2016 et T-RH-129/2016.
Nous sommes un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et nous sommes fiers de faire de la diversité une force pour notre entreprise. Le groupe s’engage à reconnaître et à promouvoir tous les talents, quels que soient leurs croyances, âge, handicap, origine ethnique, nationalité, appartenance à une organisation politique, religieuse, syndicale ou à une minorité, ou toute autre caractéristique qui pourrait faire l’objet d’une discrimination.


  • Titre d'emploi: Capital Market Surveillance Officer-(H/F)
  • Date de publication : 2023-07-06 Peut être expiré
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